

Power Jacks Host HVM Catapult Event

Power Jacks Host HVM Catapult Event
Add to Calendar 2017-10-26 15:00:00 2017-10-26 19:00:00 HVM Catapult & RBS Round Table Event Exploring Digitalisation and Automation In Manufacturing Power Jacks Ltd, Balmacassie Commercial Park, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8BX, United Kingdom Power Jacks Ltd DD/MM/YYYY

This October Power Jacks are hosting a HVM Catapult & the Royal Bank of Scotland Round Table event on Exploring Digitalisation and Automation in Manufacturing. The event gives companies a chance to debate and exchange ideas on automation and digitalisation and how Industry 4.0 (4IR) can benefit all areas of a company.

The event includes a tour of Power Jacks factory for the design and manufacture of electromechanical lifting and positioning products for industrial automation, energy, transport, civil and defence sectors. Plus a 3-course dinner as refreshment to recharge the batteries after an interesting debate.


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