

New Screw Jack Design Guide for Automation Solutions

New Screw Jack Design Guide for Automation Solutions

The new Screw Jack Design Guide from Power Jacks brings together the information engineers need to know when designing actuation, lifting and positioning systems using screw jacks.

It is packed with information on performance and dimensional details for Screw Jacks, Bevel Gearboxes and Jacking System Components.

“The design guide shows what a comprehensive portfolio of screw jack automation solutions Power Jacks manufactures and at 312 pages in size it is the largest product catalogue Power Jacks have published to date”, says Marketing Director Bruce Hamper.

Initially the design guide is available from the brochure download section of Power Jacks website in PDF format as a single download or in sections.

The range of screw jacks contained in the design guide is huge starting at the small 2.5kN capacity units and going all the way up to the large 2000kN capacity units. When used individually or in systems they can actuate, lift or position loads of a few kilograms to thousands of tonnes. As well as screw jacks with cubic and single face housing styles the design guide includes details for both translating and rotating machine screw, ball screw and roller screw driven designs. For which there are a range of standard variants to help solve specific application requirements like the Anti-Backlash, Anti-Rotation and Safety Nut devices for lifting screws. Plus, when it comes to corrosion resistance and harsh environments then there is a comprehensive section on Stainless Steel Screw Jacks.

While most applications can be satisfied with a screw jack design using standard features, options and accessories some applications need to go further with design specialisation to optimise a given machine or process. As an illustration on what is possible for these types of applications a sample of special screw jack designs is shown in the design guide. However, there is virtually no limitation to what Power Jacks can do, including completely new bespoke designs.

Complimenting the screw jacks there are extensive sections for the system components that are regularly used to build jacking systems. These include bevel gearboxes, electric motors, couplings, drive shafts, encoders, limit switches and more.

“For engineers the combination of the Screw Jack Design Guide and Power Jacks online CAD Portal make an essential toolkit that can allow our customers to quickly and efficiently design screw jack systems that benefit their company”, says Bruce.


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